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OCR: Figure 2 SPEC95 benchmarks: comparing Rave's DT 20 Better 5 2 SPECIparate95 SPECinto Tale95 Rave's DT 20: 85MHz SuperSPARC II, 128MB RAM, 1MB L2 cache Sun SPARCslation 20, 75MHa SuperSPARC HI, 64MB RAM, 1MB L2 cache SGI indy 150MHz MIFS R5000/PC, 256MB RAM, no L2 cache - HP 9000 Model 712/60, 60MHZ PA-7100LC. 64MB RAM, no L2 cache Des XPS. 100MHz Pentium, 64MB RAM, 512KB $2 cache, UnixWare Contrat son machines ilve selected on the basis of barney in the same cepbral porformadce rante and quing generally of a similar dos on av lusnand application. Such machines are not intended to be exactly compsisble'in: eohira's and facilonly to the system aweiter tenlow; however. SPEC results for conigar soni systems are taken from anor disspes of UNIX Review and Tentomancs coolputino tor aflever results published by the mawwisetorer, Thate) published res ut's are assumed to conform te SPEC reporting vales; but may ahilze various levels of optimization and may use Special compilers and optimizing preprocessors. Howweare configurations piay aiso differ substantialy between Foparina systems.